lodging Details

Mongolian Ger Camps

Orkhon Valley, Mongolia

Gers are the traditional yurt-like tents used by Mongolian nomads for centuries, and these simple fixed camps are specially built and operated for visitors. They come equipped with beds and linens (and may also have a small table and stools), and are heated by a wood or coal stove. Meals are served in a central lodge or tent. Most of the camps have centrally located shared bathrooms. Please be prepared for limited shower use, as shower water is often solar heated and may not be available daily. Gers provide an authentic and memorable taste of Mongolian culture and allow us to visit areas that otherwise lack traveler accommodations. Most visitors find their stays at ger camps to be among their most enjoyable experiences in Mongolia.

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{"VendorID":70934,"Vendor_Name":"Mongolian Ger Camps","Description":"Accommodation","Address_Line1":"","City":"","State":"","Postal_Code":"","Country_Name":"Mongolia","Website_Adress":"","Property_Description":"Gers are the traditional yurt-like tents used by Mongolian nomads for centuries, and these simple fixed camps are specially built and operated for visitors. They come equipped with beds and linens (and may also have a small table and stools), and are heated by a wood or coal stove. Meals are served in a central lodge or tent. Most of the camps have centrally located shared bathrooms. Please be prepared for limited shower use, as shower water is often solar heated and may not be available daily. Gers provide an authentic and memorable taste of Mongolian culture and allow us to visit areas that otherwise lack traveler accommodations. Most visitors find their stays at ger camps to be among their most enjoyable experiences in Mongolia.","Image_Name":"https:\/\/s3.us-west-1.wasabisys.com\/wildernesstravel\/vendors\/","ImageAltTag":"","DeckPlan_Image_Name":"https:\/\/s3.us-west-1.wasabisys.com\/wildernesstravel\/vendors\/","DisplayOnWeb":true,"Service_Grade":"","Preferred":false,"destinationstring":", , Mongolia","Keywords":"","destinationID":0,"images":[{"Image_Name":"https:\/\/s3.us-west-1.wasabisys.com\/wildernesstravel\/vendors\/10-mongolia-ger-camps-exterior-mountains.jpg","ImageAltTag":"","sequence":10,"caption":"","image_id":19404}],"CustomFields":{"Custom_slug":"ger-camps","Custom_Location":"Orkhon Valley","Custom_Additional_Emails":"","Custom_Addtional_Address":"","Custom_Accommodation_Types":"","Custom_Capacity":"","Custom_Amenties":""},"products":[{"type":"Accommodation","description":"Standard Room","category":"","textBlock":"","image":0}]}